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Bone Densitometer

Bone Densitometer

Bone Density Measurement and Osteoporosis Monitoring

To prevent osteoporosis, it is essential to intake calcium and vitamin D through food from childhood, maintain a regular and balanced diet, and get sufficient sunlight. It is crucial to have your bone density measured and regularly checked without assuming that you don't have any issues.

In this regard, the results of patients who undergo bone density measurements at our center are stored. Later, these results are compared with subsequent measurements to ensure the regularity of their treatments.

Bone density measurement is a straightforward procedure. While the person lies on their back, the system performs the measurement in a short period, typically around 5 minutes. At our clinic, bone density measurements are conducted using our state-of-the-art equipment.

Types of scans conducted:

  • Whole-body bone density scan
  • Whole-body soft tissue scan (body fat analysis)
  • Hips (left and right)
  • Spine (anterior-posterior and lateral)
  • Feet, Wrists
  • Pediatric (full-body and spine scans for child patients)
  • Special orthopedic scans
  • AHA/Advanced hip measurement
  • Morphometry

NOTE: Our device can perform measurements for individuals weighing up to 135 kg.

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