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Dr. Aslıhan Banu ER

Speciality Chest Diseases
Hospital Tekden Private Hospital Denizli
Birth Place DENİZLİ - 1981
Foreign Languages English



Place and Date of Birth: Denizli / 1981 Foreign Languages: English


Bachelor's Degree: Ondokuzmayıs University Faculty of Medicine 1998-2004

Turgut Özal University Chest Diseases 2009-2014


General Practitioner Dr. Torul 112 Gümüşhane 2004-2005

General Practitioner Dr. Torul District Health Center Gümüşhane 2005-2006

General Practitioner Dr. Erdoğdu Health Center Trabzon 2006-2007

General Practitioner Dr. Şehit Hayri Koçak Health Center Ankara 2007-2009

Assistant Doctor Turgut Özal University Chest Diseases Ankara 2009-2014

Specialist Doctor Denizli State Hospital Chest Diseases Department 2014-2020

Specialist Doctor Uşak University Teaching and Research Hospital 2020-January 2022

Specialist Doctor Uşak Private Kemalöz Öztan Hospital February 2022-August 2022

Specialist Doctor Private Denizli Tekden Hospital 2022-...

Membership in Scientific Associations:

  • Turkish Thoracic Society
  • Turkish Respiratory Research Society
  • Lung Health and Intensive Care Society


  1. Karcıoğlu O, Yüksel A, Baha A, Er AB, Esendağlı D, Gülhan PY, Karaoğlanoğlu S, Erçelik M, Şerifoğlu İ, Yıldız E, Köktürk N. Covid-19: The Biggest Threat of the 21st Century: In Respectful Memory of the Warriors All Over the World. Turk Thorac J. 2020 Nov;21(6):409-418. doi: 10.5152/TurkThoracJ.2020.20069. Epub 2020 Nov 1. PMID: 33352097; PMCID: PMC7752102.

  2. Akyıl F.T., Karadoğan D., Gürkan C.G., Yüksel A., Arıkan H., Eyüpoğlu T.Ş., Emiralioğlu N., Gürsoy T.R., Şerifoğlu İ., Töreyin Z.N., Marim F., Kara B.Y., Özakıncı H., Develi E., Çakmakçı S., Küsbeci T.Ç., Karcıoğlu O., Gülhan P.Y., Erçelik M., Er B., Ataoğlu Ö., Polat D., Kaya İ., Önyılmaz T.A., Aydın A., Kızılırmak D., Er A.B., at all: "What We Learned about COVID-19 So Far? Notes from Underground," Turk Thorac J 2020; 21(3): 185-92.

  3. Arıkan H, Karadoğan D, Tokgöz Akyıl F, Yüksel A, Töreyin ZN, Gürkan CG, Marim F, Eyüboğlu TŞ, Emiralioğlu N, Gürsoy TR, Şerifoğlu İ, Sandal A, Öncel A, Er B, Köse N, Esendağlı D, Hızal M, Er AB, Günaydın FE, Kaya İ, Özakıncı H, Sertçelik ÜÖ, Tuğlu HÇ, Özürk NAA, Ataoğlu Ö, Çakır AC, Toptay H, Erçelik M, Develi E, Çelik S, Karakaş FG, Yıldırım H, Güven DK, Çetin N, Küçükyurt SNA, Elverişli MF, Gülhan PY, Akgün M. COVID-19 Treatment at a Glance. Turk Thorac J. 2020 Nov;21(6):438-445. doi: 10.5152/TurkThoracJ.2020.20125. Epub 2020 Nov 1. PMID: 33352100; PMCID: PMC7752114.

  4. Yüksel A, Karadoğan D, Hürsoy N, Telatar T.G, Köse N, Marım F, Kaya İ.C., Er A.B., Erçelik M, Yuluğ DP, Şenel MY, Gültekin Ö, İlgar C, Çakmakçı S, Kara B.Y., Özçelik N, Selimoğlu İ, Er K.U.,Kotan A, Keskin HV., Akgün M. Post-COVID-19 interstitial lung disease: clinical features and its relation with acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. Toraks 2022.

  5. Yüksel A, Karadoğan D, Hürsoy D, Köse N, Marım F, Kaya İ, Er A.B., Erçelik M, Yumrukuz M, Polat D, İlgar C, Çakmakçı S, Gültekin Ö, Kara B.G, Özçelik N, Kotan A, Selimoğlu İ, Er K.U, Keskin H.V, Akgün M. Post-COVID-19 interstitial lung disease clinical and radiological features: a new entity, what are we facing? Turkish Thoracic Society 24th National Congress Oral Presentation Session Antalya, Thorax 2021.

  6. Yıldırım Z., Bozkurt B., Özol D., Er A.B. "Comparison of Asthma Control Test and Exhaled Nitric Oxide Levels in Predicting Asthma Control." Turkish Thoracic Society 13th National Congress Oral Presentation Session Antalya, Thorax 2010.

  7. Er A.B., Özol D., Bozkurt B., Yıldırım Z. “Prevalence of Findings Related to Sleep Apnea in COPD Patients” TUSAD 32nd National Congress Full Text Electronic Poster Session Izmir, Respiration 2010.

  8. Özol D., Uğur Ş., Er A.B., Bozkurt B., Yıldırım Z. "A Case of Epilepsy and Sleep Apnea." TUSAD 32nd National Congress Full Text Electronic Poster Session Izmir, Respiration 2010. EP-146.

  9. Bozkurt B., Er A.B., Özol D., Yıldırım Z. "Attitudes and Behaviors of Medical School Freshmen towards Smoking and Smoking Ban: A Case Study." Turkish Thoracic Society 14th National Congress Full Text Controversial Poster Session Antalya, Thorax 2011. P-277.

  10. Er A.B. , Er O. , Malkoç Ö. , Özol D. "Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Female Patients with Atrial Fibrillation." Turkish Thoracic Society 17th National Congress Full Text Controversial Poster Session Antalya, Thorax 2014. P-536.

  11. Özol D., Er A.B., Bozkurt B., Yıldırım Z, Kırbaş İ. "A Case of Pseudo-Chylothorax Following Bypass Surgery." TUSAD 33rd National Congress Electronic Poster Session Izmir, Respiration 2011. EP-105.

  12. Er A.B. , Er O. , Özol D. "Evaluation of the Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using the STOP-BANG Questionnaire in Patients with Hypertension." TUSAD 35th National Congress Controversial Poster Session Izmir, Respiration 2013. TP-082.

  13. Er A.B. , Er O. , Malkoç Ö. , Özol D. "Evaluation of the Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using the STOP-BANG Questionnaire in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation." TUSAD 35th National Congress Controversial Poster Session Izmir, Respiration 2013. TP-083.

  14. Bozkurt B., Er A.B., Yıldırım Z. "A New Factor in the Etiology of Eosinophilic Pleurisy: Mixed Herbal Toothpaste." Turkish Thoracic Society 13th National Congress Poster Presentation Session Antalya, Thorax 2010. P-438.

  15. Ertürk A. and Özol D. (2016). "Current Practical Approaches to Chest Diseases with Cases." Ankara: Tüsad Educational Books Series.

  16. Özkara A. and Altay M. (2020). "Ramadan and Sleep Patterns." Ankara: Nobel Medical Publishers.

  17. Itil O. (2020). "Early Career Task Group COVID-19 Article Summaries Volume I Turkish Thoracic Society COVID-19 E-Books Series Page: 52. ISBN: 978-605-68474-6-2 (1st Edition).

  18. Itil O. (2020). "Early Career Task Group COVID-19 Article Summaries Volume III Turkish Thoracic Society COVID-19 E-Books Series Page: 36. ISBN: 978-605-68474-6-2 (3rd Edition).

  19. Dalkılıç M. (2021). "Scientific Developments for Health and Life Sciences." Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy. Chapter 5. Pp: 91-100. ISBN: 978-625-7319-14-0.

  20. Dalkılıç M. (2021). "Scientific Developments for Health and Life Sciences." Thromboprophylaxis in Pregnancy. Chapter 6. Pp: 101-112. ISBN: 978-625-7319-14-0.

  21. Günbatar H. (2021) Handbook of Interstitial Lung Diseases. Respiratory Function Tests in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Interstitial Lung Diseases. Chapter 5. Pp: 49-57. ISBN: 978-625-7451-16-1.

  22. Yılmaz S. (2022) Respiratory Disorders During Sleep. Chapter 35. Pp: 49-57. ISBN: 978-625-7451-16-1.


Specialties and areas of interest in the field:

  • Cough, Phlegm, Shortness of breath, Chest pain, and Hemoptysis (Coughing up blood)
  • Lower respiratory tract and lung infections such as Bronchitis, Bronchiolitis, Tracheitis, and Pneumonia
  • Allergic diseases
  • Asthma / Allergic rhinitis
  • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Lung cancer and benign lung tumors
  • Lung nodules and nodule surveillance
  • Bronchoscopic procedures
  • COVID-19 and Post-COVID long-term conditions
  • Pleural diseases such as Pleural effusion and Pleuritis
  • Thoracentesis and Pleural biopsy procedures
  • Smoking cessation
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Occupational lung diseases like Silicosis, Asbestosis
  • Interstitial lung diseases
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
  • Respiratory failure and conditions requiring home oxygen support
  • Intensive care and Mechanical Ventilation support
  • Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Tuberculosis (TB)

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